Learn how to fix the module not found error when trying to use a python library like pygame. First check that python and pip are installed and working, then check that the pygame library is installed and lastly change the interpreter used in the editor (VS code and Pycharm)

Learn how to make minecraft in python with this tutorial. This will be done using a 3D game engine for python called Ursina.

Learn how to click and drag objects in pygame.

Learn how to create a simple health bar in pygame.

Learn how to work with the sprite class and sprite groups to manage large numbers of images.

Learn how to use the joystick class in Pygame. This tutorial will show how to connect a playstation or xbox controller to pygame and use it to control the player

Learn how to use the rotate method to rotate an image around its center. Use the mouse position to calculate the angle so the image points at the mouse cursor.

Learn how to use the transform method to modify images in pygame. Use the rotate, scale and flip methods to manipulate images in real time.

If you have worked with images in pygame you will have noticed that often the code will look something like

Learn how to get text input from the player to allow them to type on the screen.